Latest articles from Michał Kaczmarski

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Survey shows German investors increasingly positive about Baltics

Sentiment towards Baltic economies is improving among German investors, according to a survey by the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce.

From News

France in top five FDI destinations in 2012: Invest in France

According to a report by the country's investment promotion agency, France was the fifth most popular global destination country for FDI in 2012.

Lithuania's prime minister gets down to business

In the four months since his election, Lithuania's prime minister, Algirdas Butkevičius, has already made tangible improvements to the country's business climate. He tells fDi how he is working closely with investors to further simplify regulation, improve the tax system and encourage growth.

Vueling tears up the rule book

Vueling tears up the rule book

Vueling’s cheap flights and customer service-focused approach have brought the budget airline success, despite breaking every commandment in the low-cost carrier bible. 

Newcastle eyes oil riches

Newcastle eyes oil riches

A network of businesses is springing up in Newcastle and the north-east of England, catering to the demands of the offshore oil and gas industry. But can the region overcome perceived supply chain shortcomings while addressing a dearth of skilled labour? 

From News

US experiencing manufacturing renaissance: Brown Advisory

A combination of factors have driven down the cost of manufacturing in the US, leading a number of businesses to reshore their manufacturing operations, according to Baltimore-based investment agency Brown Advisory.

Guatemala looks to bridge the economic gap

Guatemala looks to bridge the economic gap

Guatemala may not be enjoying the same sort of economic success as many of its Latin American counterparts, but the country's minister of foreign affairs, Fernando Carrera, explains how this will change as it works on increasing its security and regulation, while strengthening its relationships with its neighbours to the north and south

Finland finds opportunities in Nokia's downturn

Finland finds opportunities in Nokia's downturn

Finland has been hit hard by the downturn in the fortunes of phone firm Nokia, but the wealth of expertise and the spirit of enterprise that made the company such a success has been channelled into a fertile nursery of start-ups.

Outward bound: emerging sources of FDI

Outward bound: emerging sources of FDI

It is often cited that the BRIC economies – Brazil, Russia, India and China – offer the best opportunities for growth. It would therefore follow that outward FDI flows from these countries are also expanding but only one of the so-called 'big four' appears in the top five countries in terms of outward FDI growth.

Macedonia raises its game

Macedonia raises its game

The republic of Macedonia has undergone a radical transformation in recent years thanks to its government's efforts to revitalise the country's economy, business environment and the look of its capital city, Skopje. The result is new buildings, new businesses and record inflows of FDI.

Global greenfield investment trends

Crossborder investment monitor

fDi Markets is the only online database tracking crossborder greenfield investment covering all sectors and countries worldwide. It provides real-time monitoring of investment projects, capital investment and job creation with powerful tools to track and profile companies investing overseas.

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Corporate location benchmarking tool

fDi Benchmark is the only online tool to benchmark the competitiveness of countries and cities in over 50 sectors. Its comprehensive location data series covers the main cost and quality competitiveness indicators for over 300 locations around the world.

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